I’m different to most children’s DJ’s!

Captain Chaos ready for work!

This past weekend, I’ve provided FOUR children’s parties for kids aged between 6 and 10 years old (no mean feat for an ageing gent I can tell you…I’m shattered!)

And yet…at ALL four parties I’ve been told I’m different and what I do is the best they’ve seen!

Erm….I’m only doing what I’ve always done!

But apparently what I consider to be “normal” and “expected” for a children’s party isn’t the same as others in my profession!

So, let me explain what it is that I do at each and every children’s disco party in Cambridgeshire and let you dear reader, decide whether I really AM different to the rest!

The Set-up

A normal setup for a children's party

I provide a disco setup for children’s parties which would be more than acceptable for most adult parties. I really don’t cut corners on this aspect of what I do!

Trust me, I turn up with more than a single speaker and light to your child’s party because it’s as important to me to be professional as it is to your child to have a good party with all the frills of a proper disco!

What you’ll see at your child’s disco party is a setup similar to that pictured above – all the bells, all the whistles….exactly as a disco should be (and yes I can keep the volumes lower and no I definitely don’t use strobe lighting)

The Music

All kid’s party customers get the same access to my online planning tools as my highest paying wedding couples over at Imagine Wedding & Party Entertainment.

It’s important to me that your child and their guests are partying to the music THEY want to hear!

A couple of small caveats here, I won’t necessarily play all of the songs if the playlist is too long for the party and I’ll definitely only ever play “clean” non-sweary edits!

The Interaction

Captain Chaos! Children's DJ and entertainer in Cambridgeshire

This, according to last weekend’s hosts at least is where most fail!

I work with 6-10 year olds weekly as a Beaver and Scout leader. I have an idea of what gets their minds ticking 😉

Trust me, I spend a LOT of time in front of the DJ booth interacting with the guests and talking to them at their level.  And as for the “is it a wig or isn’t it” thing (yes it’s a wig…actually around 20 wigs… but it’s a lot of fun and gets the guests involved because they’re never too certain 😂).

What I absolutely WON’T do is set up, stand in the corner, and play music…that’s waaaay to easy!

When you hire me to provide your child’s party entertainment, you can be sure they’ll all be involved and go home tired at the end of the party!

The Games

Children's Party DJ and entertainer in Cambridgeshire

Possibly the only thing more important than the music to the average 6-10 year old is the fun of the games.

We’re not talking musical statues and pass the parcel here (although I’m more than happy to do those games). My games are a little more adventurous and certainly competitive. In fact, some of them involve a certain amount of tactics too!

For more information on the games, have a look at my descriptions of all of the games I play.

Add to the games though the action dance marathon, and the party’s a winner!

Yes folks, they spent the lockdowns doing Superman and Agadoo in the kitchen and I’m more than happy to keep them entertained with a 16 minute MARATHON of ready-mixed action dances which I lead from the front, all ending up with a conga line!


Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

Now THIS is something very few provide!

It’s an absolute WINNER of an effect, the children LOVE it and it’s guaranteed to have the adults whipping their phones out for a photo!

First and foremost, it’s used sparingly….VERY sparingly. The fluid ain’t cheap, and it can make the dance floor slippery depending on the surface finish.

It’s also a machine that’s never guaranteed to work (it’s complicated and involves some very small bore piping which easily blocks). One thing that’s guaranteed when the snow comes out of the nozzle is that you’ll see me breathe a huge sigh of relief!

Here’s how it works!

The music will go off whilst I invite the guests to join me in front of the booth for a sing-a-long (yes…it’s Let It Go from Frozen). The girls will get excited, the boys will groan….until they realise what happens.

The deal is this: the louder they sing the chorus, the more it snows (and the machine is only fired during the three choruses to limit the amount of snow on the floor!)

For those that are a little worried about this particular effect though, let me reassure you:

In 10+ years of using snow machines, it’s NEVER caused an accident!
It’s NEVER damaged a venue’s floor (carpet, wood or otherwise)
The “snow” dissipates within a couple of minutes, and I ALWAYS mop up any residue which hasn’t disappeared
To make things even safer, the snow is used just before they sit down to eat (giving it time to disappear from the dance floor) and right at the very end of the party.

In essence, I’m the DJ that leaves the venue’s floor cleaner when I leave than when I arrived!


Any everyone's a winner!

Every child will receive a winner's medal and certificate!

Now here’s where I work just a little bit differently.

The games don’t necessarily have ultimate winners, in fact it’s rare I’ll play them to the absolute death of just a single child remaining in the game…it takes too long and eats away at the time I’m able to do other things!

Whilst there IS a certain amount of elimination in the games, I play fairly at the same time.


The very last thing I do at every party is open the “security case” full of solid (plastic) gold medals and certificates which each and every guest will receive. By working in this way, no child is left out of receiving a little something for their efforts so there are no tears for not winning and no bragging rights for winning more games than anyone else.

So....does that make me different from the rest?

It’s what I do at every children’s disco party I provide.

I have standards that I work to professionally (as well as the fun, there’s also a lot of health and safety stuff going on behind the scenes because the last thing I want to see is a guest getting hurt!)

If all of what you’ve read above is what you’re looking for in a children’s disco party then PLEASE get in touch as soon as you can.

I can do a maximum of four parties a weekend (any more is too tiring and I want to be able to give my best performance at every party I go to!). I’m often booked up to 6 months in advance and I hate telling people I’m already booked for their date because I feel I’m letting a birthday boy or girl down 😔

Is Captain Chaos available for YOUR child's party?

Let me know the details below and I’ll reply as quickly as I possibly can!