My Blog

I’m never going to write the next Harry Potter series or become famous for my ramblings. 

But sometimes it feels helpful to share some useful information with you. 

Captain Chaos and the wigs

My top 5 tips for an AWESOME children’s party

I go to a LOT of children’s parties…on average a couple per week and more often than not….two in a day! Over my many years of experience at children’s parties, I’ve learned what works, and what doesn’t work quite so well. Here are my top 5 tips to make YOUR

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Captain Chaos ready for work!

I’m different to most children’s DJ’s!

This past weekend, I’ve provided FOUR children’s parties for kids aged between 6 and 10 years old (no mean feat for an ageing gent I can tell you…I’m shattered!) And yet…at ALL four parties I’ve been told I’m different and what I do is the best they’ve seen! Erm….I’m only

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Ultra Violet UV lighting at a Glow Party with Ely Kids Disco and Captain Chaos in Cambridgeshire

The top 20 songs played at children’s parties

Just like with the wedding and adult functions I entertain at, I offer an online planning system you can log into to select the music your child would like to hear at their party. How we get to the selections made can be interesting.      Your child’s musical tastes

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Captain Chaos! Children's DJ and entertainer in Cambridgeshire

Relax…I’ve got it covered!

The biggest fear of most parents at a birthday party is that it’s going to be a lot of stress! Trust me….I provide the entertainment at more than a few children’s birthday parties and know EXACTLY what’s going through your mind as a parent…. * Will the children have fun?

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Captain Chaos from Ely Kid's Disco ready and raring to entertain!

What’s it like to be Captain Chaos?

One question I’m often asked during the eating bit at a children’s disco party is…”what do you do for a living?” Do you know what? I have the most AWESOME job in the world! I’m Captain Chaos (yes dear reader….this is how I pay the bills!). I don’t have a

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The story of the wigs

I have a bit of a strange habit whilst entertaining as Captain Chaos at children’s parties. It’s so strange that even the guests notice it after a little while, and it ALWAYS causes a lot of questions and conversations. I wear wigs! Lots of them! I’ll always start the party

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