The Music

The music played at your child’s disco party is important. They’ll have their favourites and they’ll want to dance!

I give you as their parent, full control over what’s played on the day via an online planning system.

What I DON’T do is play music with explicit lyrics – no matter how many times they ask during the party (they may fill in the gaps…..I can’t stop that 🙁 )

And don’t worry about the song choices being “old skool” and very 1990s (or even earlier in some cases). I totally get that your own personal music tastes are reflected in what your children like to hear and it’s ALWAYS fascinating and enjoyable to relive some of the classics at a kid’s party!

My music collection is made up of “radio edits”. In a nutshell my music policy is that if it’s been played on the radio or appears on a Now album, it’s safe for children to hear.

Oh, and if you like an aerobic workout, please feel free to join me in the “action dances” mix at around the half-way point of the party (it nearly kills me!). It’s 15 minutes of hand waving, stepping and clapping mayhem which the kids will absolutely LOVE! (and no…it doesn’t include Superman!)

Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

Party planning tip!

What's the ideal time to hold a kids party? That, depends on a lot of things such as when your venue is available and the age group of the guests. Kids’ weekend birthday parties always started at 3pm back in the day. But there’s now a wider scope for when to hold a party. Morning parties can work well, especially for younger children. The benefits to a morning party include: *Younger children aren’t so tired, so will likely be better behaved *You can get them out of the way and have the afternoon to relax *It’s also worth going for an in-between mealtime party to escape having to provide a full meal at the party.

Check my availability for YOUR child's disco party