What happens at a typical Captain Chaos party?

OK – the past couple of years have been tough on the kids, they’ve probably NEVER been to a disco party and don’t know what to expect. And the same goes for YOU as PARENTS!

Let me try to explain how my parties work!

First, you book me and I turn up at the venue. Now I’ve had parents in the past worried that the turning up part won’t happen because…well…there are some in this industry that won’t.

Let me reassure you right now that I’ll turn up to the opening of an envelope! I’ll absolutely be there on the day and if for any reason I can’t (self isolation, illness or whatever), I’ll send a suitable replacement!

So, that worry out of the way…how do things work on the day?

I’ll haul the equipment into the venue around 30-45 minutes before the start of the party and put it all together. It’s a well rehearsed routine  but the setup area is actually classed as an area of risk (heavy equipment/electrical equipment) so any children on site at before the party starts are very nicely asked to stay away from me whilst I put things together….the last thing I’d want to do is drop something and hurt someone!

Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

Testing, testing....

Before the party starts, I’ll run through a series of equipment checks. It can and does go wrong, and this is my opportunity to make sure everything’s going to work as it should for the party.

You’ll hear loud music, feedback from the mics, snow machines (hopefully) providing snow (they’re temperamental beasts at the best of times). The lighting will be tested as well. The whole testing phase takes around 5 minutes.

The arrival of the guests

As with ANY party (including weddings), the guests will never arrive bang on the dot of the start of the party. It just doesn’t happen. 

So, I’ll start things rolling with a pre-mixed selection of songs and the lighting running whilst the majority of the guests arrive (normally within 10 mins of the time you put on the invitation). It’s really NOT worth starting the party before the majority of the guests have arrived.

If you’ve booked my Glow party, I’ll also spend this time giving out glow bracelets to the guests as they arrive.


Captain Chaos! Children's DJ and entertainer in Cambridgeshire

The introduction

I dip the volume of the music, take a very brave step out from behind my DJ booth, take a deep breath and introduce myself to the children as Captain Chaos.

This part is used to start building the energy for the party as well.

You see, I’m a little bit deaf. I stand between two very loud speakers for a living (I really do wear hearing aids to help with 30% hearing loss!). If I say something to them like would they like to play a game, I need them to SHOUT the answer. We practice this several times until they get it right 😉 

I’ll ask them who wants to do dancing? Who wants to play games? Who wants to have fun? 

From then on in…it’s party time.

I’ll normally play a couple of tracks between the introduction and the first game to allow for any late guest arrivals.

Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

A party is "usually" a game of two halves!

I say usually, because it’s not always the case! (That would be far too easy)

For the older parties (9-10 years old), the party is less about the games and more about the music. There’s rarely a break for food with these ones and it’s a continuous party of music and dancing with just a couple of more grown up games to take part in.

But for the younger ones, it’s normally an hour of fun, followed by food or at least a snack and a drink, and then continue the party

The first half...

Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

This is where most of the games will happen!

My normal routine is to play a couple of songs, then a game…and repeat (and I have LOTS of games up my sleeves for all ages of guests!).

See my page about different party games for an idea of what we’ll get up to.

The end of the first half will generally end up with a sing-along involving snow (venue permitting!). It gives me time to clean up the residue from the floor whilst they’re taking a break for food or drinks!

The break

It doesn’t have to be Breakfast at Tiffany’s – the kids are more than happy with a drink and a snack!

It’s normally a good idea, especially with the younger guest, to pause for a breather after about an hour.

During the break, I’ll take a 5 minute breather (this job is actually hard work physically) and then chat to them whilst they’re eating and drinking.

It’s normally at this part of the party that they realise that my hair changes colour and styles several times as well!

And don’t worry – it won’t be silent. I provide background music whilst they’re eating and drinking.

It’s normally best to allow between 15 and 20 minutes for this part of the party if you’re feeding them a full party lunch, or between 5 and 10 minutes if it’s a drink and a snack.

The second half...

At this point during the party, they’re probably full of party food and not wanting to jump around too much. In fact jumping around too much after food from experience leads to projectile vomit on many occasions. So the second half of the party is a little calmer….at least for a while!

This part of the party is all about action dances!

I have several pre-mixed action dance routines which I’ll join in and lead to get them burning off those calories and learning how to dance to certain dance songs for parties later in life!

Parents are also encouraged to join in with this part. Go on…you know you want to do the Macarena and the YMCA…I really won’t judge you!


Kids Party DJ in Cambridgeshire

The end of the party

All good things must come to an end unfortunately, and that includes your child’s party 🙁

The parents (if they haven’t stayed for the party) will be arriving and wanting to take them home, so I need to time this part to end at the right time.

The last song of the party is generally something like the Hokey Cokey (because to a 6 year old…it’s a lot of fun!) and as parents, you’re more than welcome to join in! In fact it keeps that particular dance just that little bit safer if you do!

If there’s time, we’ll do another session of snow!

Then I’ll give out certificates and medals to everyone at the party and say goodbye.

I’ll play a 5 minute track of cartoon themes whilst the guests leave, and then it’s time to start dismantling the equipment and getting it back into the van (as with setup – normally around half an hour is needed for this part).


So...that's how "most" parties work

You may of course, have different ideas or a different timeline and I’m more than happy to work with you to create the perfect party for your child and their guests…it’s what I do!


Get in touch to check my availability for YOUR child's party

Captain Chaos is often booked several months in advance, and I hate telling people I can’t take the booking because I’m already busy.