How would you rate Captain Chaos?

Firstly, thank you for trusting me to provide the entertainment for your recent party. I hope everything went as you expected it to?

But I need to ask a big favour if I may be so bold?

Search engine rankings now rely heavily on independent reviews, more so than the content on the website or social media….it’s part of the bizarre world of algorithms we now live in.

If you enjoyed the party, would you please be so kind as to leave a review for me on one of the following platforms?

I know it’s a big ask, but it’ll only take a couple of minutes of your time, it doesn’t have to be a gushing War & Peace essay (although you’re more than welcome 😉 ), and will help me to continue providing kid’s party entertainment for a long time to come.

You can leave a review on my Google business page here:

Or on my TrustPilot page here:

Again, thanks for your time and hopefully we’ll meet up again soon at another party.

Many thanks

Wayne (a.k.a Captain Chaos)